Alexandria Virginia Family Portraits | The Rosas

Oldtown Alexandria Famliy Photographer Couples romantic session cherry blossom and spring time photo

(3-minute read)

There are many reasons why I have turned to film photography over the past two years, one of the main reasons is its timelessness. Photography trends come and go & editing styles change all the time. But film photos tend to feel like they never really age in style and in aesthetic. Film photos that were taken 10 or 20 years ago still feel relevant, & stylish all these years later. But do you remember those first days of Instagram & all those yucky Instagram filters we used to put on our photos? Those Instagram photos didn’t age too well because of those strong 2010 vibes we put on them with those filters. In the 2020’s we know those photos and editing styles are now outdated and dare I say, tacky. But not film.

Today’s blog post is an example of film’s timelessness. I purchased my first medium format film camera some 7 years ago now. I didn’t take it out on any professional shoots because I didn’t feel confident in shooting with it, but I did test it out with a few practice sessions.

One of those sessions was with the Rosas, David & Ana Sofia. Ana Sofia and I have been friends since middle school & Ana has been my photography model/muse since day one! She modeled for me all throughout my high school photography film classes. She modeled for me during all my knitting, sewing, crocheting Etsy days. She modeled for me when I started my photography business & needed practice & even hired me for her own wedding day. So naturally, when I picked up my first medium format film camera, Ana was one of the first people I called to model for me. This was that session.

Although my posing may have changed a little in 7 years, these images are so beautiful and timeless and I’m so proud of them. These images look I could have easily have taken them yesterday. I’m so grateful for this time capsule of images, reminding me that I made the right decision to pick up film again & incorporate it into the Ica Images experience.

Ps. Ana Sofia & David, if you see this post I am so grateful for you!
You guys have believed in me & in my photography since the very beginning.