Wishing you a very Happy Mother's Day!

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To the mothers who lead us and feed us,
grow us and show us the ways we should go.

To the mothers who birth us, the mothers who choose us,
the mother who lovingly let us go.

To the mothers who raise the people we love,
to the mother raising the kiddos we love.

To the mothers who have lost a child,
to the mothers we wish were still alive.

To the mother who hold us & scold us but love us endlessly.
To the mothers who made hard decisions in letting us leave.

To the mothers who we share with our spouses & our friends.
To the mothers we call our best friend.

To the mothers who raise us all by themselves,
To the mothers who give so much of themselves.

To the mothers who we call “our second mom”,
To the mothers who are always supporting our moms.

To the mothers we may never get to see.
To the very new mother down the street.

To the mothers of our mothers & their mothers before them,
Happy Mother’s Day,
Thank you for everything,
again & again.

To my mom, thank you for shaping me into the person I am & for pointing me to Christ aways.
I love you so much, bugga bugga.

To mama Betty, & every mom in my family who help raise me ( my aunts: Tita Susan, Tita Tabing, & my best friend’s moms: Tita Virgie, Tita Connie, Tita Rose & Tita Mercy .. thank you for being my other moms).

To my sisters who are mothers, you women are amazing mothers!
Thank you for raisings our precious nieces & nephews .

To the moms in my life raising the kiddos I love soo dearly, I see you.
I’m so proud of you. I love the mom version of you so much.
Your kiddos are blessed to have you as their mom.