DC Cherry Blossom Engagement Portraits: April & Peter

Last year during the cherry blossom peak in DC, April & Peter braved a cold & very early morning with me, to capture their springtime engagement pictures. It was totally worth waking up at 4 am for & I’m so glad we got to see the sunrise rise over the tidal basin during our time together.

April & Peter, thank you for having such a beautiful vision for your engagement portraits. Even with an army of people crowding the Tidal Basin by 6 am, you both were rockstars & were amazing to capture!

The verdict is out & the peak of this year’s Cherry Blossoms is estimated to happen between March 27-30, 2020. If you are interested in having your own portraits done at the cherry blossoms, I have 4 days on my calendar that are open just for this Mini Sessions Sale. (*Availability is limited & is first come, first served).

Cherry Blossom Mini Sessions.png

*Please fill out the form below if you are interested in more information about this sale.