Downtown DC Fine Art Family Portraits | The Kapadia Family

washington dc fine art family portraits national mall portraits by Ica Images

You know what the kids will remember about 2020 15 years from now, they’ll remember how much time they got to spend with mom and dad.

They’ll remember this as the year of a thousand homecooked meals, the year mom and dad worked from home, the year everyone was home all the time, maybe even the year mom & dad tried homeschooling. It’s been such a tender celebration to capture so many sweet families this season. I know this year hasn’t been easy for parents everywhere. Yet I know there’s been a closeness that has filled so many homes and families because of these weeks & months of togetherness.

I loved capturing these sweet moments of togetherness for the Kapadia family as we adventured around the Smithsonian Castle Gardens & the national mall.

portraits, familyIca RemoComment